这里的Koch,指的是德国军火公司 Herkler and Koch (HK)
众多军火公司里 其中我喜欢的枪械绝大部分都是HK的枪械 比如USP手枪(最喜欢的当然是SOCOM手枪 但是据使用过的特种兵说 那枪太沉太大) G3步枪 XM8
一直以来都把"Koch"念错了 今天在HKPRO网上看到这篇 就转上来了
"One of the most frequently asked questions to arise on the HKPRO boards is the correct pronunciation of Theodor Koch's last name. Most center around "coke" "kotch" or "kock".
In actuality, there are two ways to correctly pronounce Koch. Let's call them the American version and the German version. In German, the letters "ch" do not sound like they do in English. "Church" is not a ch combination that the Germans ever pronounce. It is more of a chhhh that somewhat sounds like phlegm being summoned from the rear of the throat. For the correct German pronunciation in a sound file, click this>>http://www.hkpro.com/koch.wav.
As for the English pronunciation, the correct way is "coke." Former New York mayor Ed Koch ("Kotch") may have muddied things up, but if you get confused, you can always say, "HK.""