今天尝试换了双鞋 穿这感觉还不错
结果到后方 日 地上些许的水罢了 那鞋已经滑得不行
要不是我镇得住那鞋 今天估计滑倒很多次了
回头一看 一小弟弟在店里转悠 嘴里喊着:“爸爸!”
同事把他领出去,他爸爸躲在柱子后边阴笑 。。。
i try another shoe today,the feeling still ok.
when i get to the back of shop-damn!just a little water and i m slide from there to here
if i do not have enough load on the shoe,i think today i had slip many times
8pm,suddenly a little boy cryout:"papa!papa!"
""xxx,isnt the gate closed last month end?"
i look back,and a little boy walk in shop try to search for his father
my colleague bring him out and show where he father is,and his father,hide behind pillar and smile satan-ly...